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Gwarantujemy bezpieczeństwo
depozytów w bankach i SKOK-ach
do równowartości 100.000 euro w złotych


Strona główna Information for bank clients
Publikacja: 28 listopada 2013

Information for bank clients

Deposits held in all domestic banks (i.e. those with their registered offices within the territory of the Republic of Poland) are covered by the Bank Guarantee Fund.

In the event of the fulfilment of the guarantee condition (defined as the issuing by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority of a decision to suspend a bank’s operations and appoint a receivership in the bank, unless one had been appointed previously, as well as filing a bankruptcy petition at a relevant court), the Bank Guarantee Fund shall reimburse the guaranteed deposits up to the amount stipulated in legislation.


+48 22 583 09 42
+48 22 583 09 43
+48 22 583 09 45

Toll- free infoline
800 569 341


Ostatnia aktualizacja: 30 października 2016