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Gwarantujemy bezpieczeństwo
depozytów w bankach i SKOK-ach
do równowartości 100.000 euro w złotych


Strona główna
Publikacja: 7 września 2017

nr 4 (65) 2016, s. 75-95
Grzegorz Paluszak, Joanna Wiśniewska-Paluszak
Grzegorz Paluszak, Ph.D., Adjunct at the Department of Banking, Finance and Accounting, University of Warsaw.
Joanna Wiśniewska-Paluszak, Ph.D., Adjunct at the Department of Economics, Poznan University of Life Sciences. The research has been possible to conduct thanks to the financial support of the National Science Centre Poland contracted under decision number DEC-2013/09/B/ HS4/01494

The Role of Green Banking in a Sustainable Industrial Network

The paper aims to analyse the role of green banking in organising a sustainable industrial network. The main hypothesis of the paper is that the green bank works to mobilise other industrial actors to undertake activities and devote resources to implement network strategies of sustainable development. The main contribution of the paper is the proposition of integrating network analysis into the complex structure of green banking system interactions and relationships with the industrial system, which aim at eco-development into a coherent industrial ecosystem. The conceptualisation of a green banking network using the industrial network approach is configured to address explicit environmental and social issues. The main assumption of the sustainability network model is that the relationships of banks with stakeholders (i.e. suppliers, employers and customers) are based on mutual benefit and sustainability outcomes.

Key words: Green banking, ecosystem, industrial network, sustainable development

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 7 września 2017