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Gwarantujemy bezpieczeństwo
depozytów w bankach i SKOK-ach
do równowartości 100.000 euro w złotych


Strona główna Legal notice
Publikacja: 12 stycznia 2012

Legal notice

Whilst the Bank Guarantee Fund makes every effort to ensure that the information on its website is accurate and up to date, it is not liable for the consequences of making use of this website or its content. In particular, it is not liable for the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, relevance or scope of the information on the website.

If use is made of any materials, data, pictures, video films and recordings from this website, the source and date of downloading must be stated.

Whilst the Bank Guarantee Fund makes every effort to ensure that the information on its website is accurate and up to date, it is not liable for the consequences of making use of this website or its content. In particular, it is not liable for the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, relevance or scope of the information on the website.

If use is made of any materials, data, pictures, video films and recordings from this website, the source and date of downloading must be stated.

The Bank Guarantee Fund’s logo on the website is owned exclusively by the Bank Guarantee Fund within the meaning of the Copyright and Related Rights Act of 4 February 1994 (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2006 No. 90, item 631 as amended). Using this logo for any purpose whatsoever, copying irrespective of the medium used for copying, duplicating and all other forms of dissemination require the written consent of the Bank Guarantee Fund.

Legislative texts included on the website are intended to provide information. The only legal source is the legal acts published in official journals (within the meaning of the Act on Publishing Normative Acts and Certain Other Legal Acts of 20 July 2000) (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2007 No. 68, item 449 as amended).

The Bank Guarantee Fund is not authorised to provide official or binding interpretations of law.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 30 października 2016