The Bank Guarantee Fund’s (“the BFG”, “the Fund”) mission is to undertake actions to contribute to the stability of the financial system in Poland, most notably by providing for the operations of the mandatory deposit insurance scheme and resolution.
The Bank Guarantee Fund with its head office in Warsaw is a legal person established by the Act of 10 June 2016 on the Bank Guarantee Fund, Deposit Guarantee Scheme and Resolution (Journal of Laws of 2016 item 996 and 1997), which has been in force since 9 October 2016.
The law transposes the provisions stipulated in Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on deposit guarantee schemes and Directive 2014/59/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms.
The Fund pursues the following core tasks:
- disbursement of guaranteed funds to depositors and satisfying other obligations arising from the deposit insurance,
- verification of the data in the calculation system of the entities covered by the guarantee system,
- collection and analysis of information on entities covered by the insurance system, in particular for the preparation of analyses and forecasts for the banking sector and credit union sector and individual banks and credit unions,
- preparation, update and feasibility study of resolution plans and group resolution plans,
- pursuit of resolution,
- write-down or conversion of capital instruments.
As regards the restructuring of credit unions where the insolvency risk has arisen, the Fund’s tasks include:
- provision of repayable financial assistance,
- purchase of credit unions’ claims,
- provision of support to entities engaged in the acquisition of the credit unions, assumption of the selected property rights or specific liabilities of credit unions or purchases of business of the credit union in liquidation, an organised part thereof or selected property rights,
- verification of the adequate use of assistance and support.