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Home page Management Board Zdzislaw Sokal
Published: 20 October 2016

Zdzislaw Sokal

Zdzisław Sokal (CC BY-SA Filip Błażejowski/BFG)

Mr. Zdzisław Sokal is the President of the Bank Guarantee Fund. He is also the Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland and the BGF’s Representative at the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

Mr. Sokal’s engagement in the banking sector begin in 1994 with Kredyt Bank SA, where he was in charge of loan restructuring. Than he was nominated to a Chairman of the Management Board of Prospector Sp. z o.o (Ltd.), one of Poland’s first insurance brokers. He also managed a training company providing services to banks, insurance companies and businesses.

In the following years, he was a member of the Management Board and Chief Financial Officer in DEC, the rail tank operator company. He also was as a Supervisory Board Member of utility SPEC SA, where he was responsible for financial restructuring.

In 2006-2007, he worked in PKO BP SA bank, initially as an advisor to the President, and later was appointed to Vice President of the Bank’s Management Board supervising the Bank’s Area of Accounting and Settlement, Risk and Recovery. Mr Sokal also was as a chairman of the Supervisory Board of Kredobank SA Ukraine.

In the years 2007-2013, Mr Sokal was a National Bank of Poland (NBP) Management Board Member responsible for accounting, financial stability, IT and security. He is a co-author of “Confidence Package”, launched following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. He acted as a plenipotentiary of the President of NBP on ethics. He supervised a process of transferring banking supervision unit from the central bank to newly created the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF). Mr Sokal was a member of the Accounting Standards Committee at the Ministry of Finance, as well as Supervisory Board of the International Bank for Economic Co-operation in Moscow.

From 2015 to 2018 Mr. Sokal was the Presidential Representative at the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

He is a graduate of Warsaw School of Economics. A long-time lecturer and holder of honoris causa awarded by the Banking University at the National Bank of Ukraine.

On 2 April 2016, he commenced a three-year term as the Management Board President at the Bank Guarantee Fund.

Last updated: 19 February 2019